The Research from Jennifer Stone
This is the research Poppy wanted me to tell the world! We are leaving behind a legacy to help heal the sick.
Have you been diagnosed with Cancer?
Aljen Projects is continuing to push through the boundaries where the research is needed to help those to be well!

Soul Healing the DNA
Have you cancer? This is research all Cancer suffers need to know to correct the DNA of the body. When we re-mineral the body cancer dies. What we do is change the pH of the body which is helped through the replacing of minerals and working with our core DNA for our bodies bio-chemistry to be working at optimum levels.
What I have found is the Cannabis plant was made illegal to help the Organised criminal gangs I talk about in the series "The Kings Cross Sting".
Cocktail for Life... Our Signature
Cocktails for life was where I could work on delivering the most nutrients to the body with the least amount of food intake. When the DNA is sick we get all sorts of illnesses including cancer. Poppy wanted me to "Tell the World" what I knew. I hope by sharing this research it will help YOU gain to TAKe CoNTRoL of your life a little.
Within the research I look at the minerals, the vitamins and nutrients within the superfoods to work together within the body to deliver the missing minerals YOU will need for the DNA to heal.
Our minerals being delivered to the body needs to be done daily, and when sick you will need to deliver the minerals during the day to help you with alleviating pain as when the body as the right type of mineral then the pain reduces.
So, sit down a try a Cocktail for Life!

Epstein Barr Virus
Our most Popular book in the series
Epstein Barr Virus EBV is estimated to cause over 200,000 cases of cancer worldwide each year principally lymphomas, nasopharyngeal cancer and stomach cancers. EBV may be the cause of health issues related to the gut, lung, liver, adrenals, thyroid and spleen. All are characterised by fatigue.
History of viral infection, sore throats, tonsillitis, and sinusitis. They’ll often have a history of yeast and fungal infections then Epstein Barr virus could be the hidden X factor to help the patient control the DNA mineral profile.
When the minerals are re-balanced then the load of virus in the body is less and the person will feel better. It is just minerals that are 4% of the whole body yet this balancing of the minerals happen day after day.
Our nutrient deficient diet sets us up as sitting ducks for viral infections for statistics then we have Epstein-Barr, which we know inflames and damages the liver in a number of people.
As copper goes up, you get this impression of sodium or potassium and calcium goes through the roof. Calcium moves out of the bone. It moves into the soft tissues. Calcium is sedating. It makes people very, very tired. It’s awful for the skin. Yet the body acid levels have increased and the only way the body reacts is flood the body with adrenaline to lower the pH. The imbalance of the minerals occur.
On the hair tissue test, they’ll have elevated copper, decreased potassium, low manganese, elevated chromium on the test, and so on. Only in the end, low copper.
When sodium and potassium levels go down, calcium and magnesium levels will rise. If copper drops, iron increases. If zinc rises, copper will decrease. If iron rises, chromium levels decrease. The body controls many body functions through the modification of the mineral ratios.
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