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The Kings Cross Sting Private Investigation


You can find me in Kings Cross just the Red Scorpion tattoo on the Right hand


I  had been ripped off, stood upon, belted up and decided no one else should this happen too.  I joined Jennifer Stone headed to the research showed us that the hidden treasure of the Drug network exists even today.  

Holy Graal they call  it, however the X marked the spot.

Kings Cross in a brothel, a single guy thou it was with the research and techniques of the conversational hypnosis that saved our lives.


This research has been occuring by both of us for years, just open the door in Kings Cross to a brothel where everyone else has been setup?  Dangerous?  The story is told in The Kings Cross Sting

© 2013 The Kings Cross Sting team Alex Petrovic and Jennifer Weatherstone

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